Panda Q&A Part 7
Q: Why are giant pandas called “Mao Xiong”, the reverse of its popular Chinese name”Xiong Mao” in some places in China? A: In 1869, French Catholic Father Armand David discovered giant pandas in Baoxing county Sichuan province. The following year the moniker “Black and White Bear” was officially renamed as a species,”Giant Panda”. The first […]

Panda Q&A Part 6
Q: At this time is the giant panda population shrinking? Is it under the risk of extinction in this century? A: The giant panda is really a strong species in terms of evolution. It survived the dreadful quaternary ice age while many species that lived during the same time-period have become extinct. This is why […]

Panda Q&A Part 5
Q: Do giant pandas always have two cubs in one litter? A: The percentage that giant pandas will be pregnant with twins is about 4596, almost equal to that of singleton pregnancies. It is possible but very rare to have a triplet. Q: Does bamboo taste good? Do pandas have a highly-efficient digestive system? […]

Giant Panda Q&A Part 4
Q:It was reported in the Daily Telegraph (http//www.telegraph.co.ukseiemedseienee-newH9770944/[email protected])on December 30, 2012 that an antibiotic in the giant panda’s blood can kill bacteria and fungi. Several Chinese scientists believe that a powerful new drug can be made from this antibiotic to kill new super bacteria, which are drug resistant to common antibiotics. Is it possible to […]

International Symposium on Giant Panda Conservation
The International Symposium on Giant Panda Conservation, sponsored by the State Forestry Administration and undertaken by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, took place in Chengdu from November 7 to 12, 2013. Qin Bai, special correspondent for World Chinese Weekly, interviewed the organizing committee of the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. […]

Giant Panda Q&A Part 3
Q: Do giant pandas stay active during the day and sleep at night like humans? A: Researchers have spent years observing giant pandas in the wild and have noticed common trends in daily movements and behaviors.Wild giant pandas normally start to be active before dawn, rest at and reach a second active peak again before […]

Panda Q&A Part 2
Q:I often visit the Chengdu Panda Base, and see that pandas are only fed apples. Do pandas only eat apples as fruit in the wild? A: Giant pandas eat different fruits. Apples are the primary fruit fed to pandas at the Chengdu Panda Base, supplemented with other fruits including watermelon, pears and bananas. Those fruits […]